Body Electric © SkiIrmsher © SkiCharacter © SkiSpace Warp © SkiCatwoman © SkiAll work and no spray makes ski a dull grey � Ski A candle burns, far far away © SkiThe Edge (Flyer) © SkiPure Genius © SkiKapow © SkiCharacter © SkiNeplusultra © SkiEscaped Artist © SkiS'n'S © SkiWak Superhero © SkiJake © SkiPriss (Bubblegum Crisis) © SkiCannedinski © SkiSelf Portrait © SkiRachael © SkiRachael © SkiConflict � SkiConflict #2 � Ski
These sketches are from '92-96 and are the few remaining things I have from that time due to 30 minutes rain, gravity and poor drainage.